BIM Services Built for Data Center Success. Explore now!
ENG brings extensive experience implementing Building Information Modeling for Facilities maintenance purposes and implementing Digital Twin strategies for property owners.
Whether you are an owner, looking to incorporate requirements in your contract language or RFP to control the Asset Data you will receive at handover, or you are a General or Trade contractor that receives as part of your requirements any form of BIM Data, or COBie, or other Asset information deliverable, ENG can help you from start to finish.
Owners often receive disconnected documents, specifications, and/or equipment manuals; additionally, they receive semi-accurate construction documents and electronic models to which the documents pertain.
This information is then processed to various degrees of effectiveness and placed into a system used for Facility Management. Not surprisingly, many of these models are electronic versions of completely disjointed information.
As a result, BIM fails to deliver as intended, and the operator is forced to create an inventory from scratch through thousands of hours of going through submittals, drawings, having to do facility walk downs to build that database to feed their EAM (Enterprise Asset management software).
ENG has developed methods through which proper documentation is gathered, verified, and processed. This information is available to the user through a customized proprietary web-based environment, ensuring the owner has global accessibility. The Owner or Facility Manager will have full access to a simple yet powerful virtual building model containing relevant information to manage property, building systems, and components for the life of the facility. We believe on a lean approach, where information gets collected at the time it is created. Our goal is that the owner counts with the accurate and complete facility management information on day-one of operations. We can deliver the data readily-formatted to be inserted into any CMMS or EAM system such as IBM Maximo, SAP EAM, Infor EAM, TMA Systems and others.
Usually GC’s, A/E firms and Trade Contractors have within their contract, or as part of the BIM Execution Plan or BEP, a requirement to deliver the Asset Data in certain format as part of the Owner handover package. A typical example is deliver COBie*, but it could be another data structure.
ENG can represent any member of the design or construction teams to fulfill these Asset Lifecycle Data Management requirements before the owner, by leveraging years of experience in Facilities information structuring and collection.
“COBie” or “Construction Operations Building information exchange” is a standard, it is a data format that helps capture and record important project data at the point of origin, including equipment lists, product data sheets, warranties, spare parts list, and preventive maintenance schedules. This information is essential to support operations, maintenance and asset management once the building is in service.
More and more, projects are mandating a “COBie deliverable”. ENG helps A/E firms, Contractors and Owners properly fulfill the COBie lifecycle information management requirements, including:
Often, existing facilities do not count with reliable As Built Drawings and Asset records. Especially if that facility has gone through several remodels or expansions. Facility Engineer typically contacts ENG for a Laser Scanning and Scan to BIM model creation with 2D As Built Drawings.
Having those as built conditions captured and modeled already provides great value as a base for future expansions. However, in order to leverage those models on a daily basis during operations, REVIT or Navisworks are not the answer. ENG proposes a small extra step that allows the leveraging of those BIM models for operations, and consists in implementing a Digital Twin with the already captured data and already created BIM model. Hosted on the platform, where end-users can quickly find a valve they need to shut down to stop a leak, or identify upstream and downstream impact when maintaining certain equipment.
All our services can be performed at our own office, communicating via web-based collaboration tools, video calls and traditional phone calls.
However, we also believe that for certain endeavors a personal presence is required in order to increase communication, thereby maximizing efficiency. ENG designed a unique On-Site support business model, where we can provide on-site support by sending our BIM professionals to work at your office or in the field for a period of time (from a few weeks, months or even years at larger projects); while the rest of the team at ENG supports you from our offices.
We also offer different types of contracts to suit your needs, such as Time and Material, Lump Sum and Full-time engagements. Please contact us to discuss your next BIM project.
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